Hi! Remember me?
So, since last we met, I have tried on 14 pairs of bridesmaid shoes, worked approximately 17 billion hours, and consumed 52 bottles of wine. Yay! So let me see what kind of news I can come up with to entertain you...
Did I tell y'all Feb got engaged? Yes, that amazingly manipulative, sneaky, lying, sexually deviant beast is engaged to a girl who used to be a very close friend of mine! I know, right?! It's just bizarre. I am thrilled to tell you all, however, that I actually couldn't desire anyone or anything less in my life, which is a very good place to be. Except for the part where we are in the same room together and I feel physically repulsed and also the overwhelming urge to run far, far away. This happens about four times a week, which is far more than I would like. But we are dealing with that, people, and being forgiving and trying to love like Jesus would do. Mmm hmmm, yes we are.
I am a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding, which is coming up quickly in October. How crazy is that?! The good part is that this will be a massive, creative, wonderful party full of beautiful decorations and food and people. The bad part is that I will be paired with Lex (Local Ex-Boyfriend) in the wedding party. We were dating when the engagement happened, so it was a natural progression, but this also means that I would like to fit into the two-sizes-too-small bridesmaid dress which I bought in order to look amazing and make him feel uncomfortably aroused all day, which means that I will not be eating between now and October. Just drinking wine. Which sounds okay by me! Hee!
What else? Hmmm. I redecorated my lounge room and... oh wait. That is not entertaining. One moment.
My basketball team won its summer season Grand Final! This is a Very Big Deal for me because it means that I have another sport trophy to add to my bookshelf. This is exciting because when I "play basketball", it actually translates to "running around the court looking busy and hoping that no one notices that I actually contribute nothing to the game, and actually fall a lot". So, hooray team! And now training has started for winter season, which equates to "whole gym full of women (and sometimes boys who come early for their practice) seeing me run and fall and pass ball and fall and shoot ball and fall, and then laugh. And point".
And. Also. Ooh, ooh! I have started dating. Casually. I'm a casual dater. I have now met two new boys in the last week and gone for coffee and chatted and stretched my social circle. It has been lovely! Also! (and this is very exciting) I have been chatting with a gorgeous young man who is a brother of an old colleague. She emailed me a very general, newsy email, and finished with this out-of-nowhere comment about how she has a lovely and handsome brother who remembers me from a year ago when he picked her up from work, and would I like to fall madly in love with him and have lots of babies? (That last bit may have gone a tiny bit differently).
So now we are "friends" on a certain social networking site, and we text religiously, and he is beautiful and tall and masculine but is taking his nieces to the zoo tomorrow, because they are his "princesses" and he is too adorable and I melt when I receive his messages! Our first official "I'm interested in you and let's have babies" meeting is on Wednesday. Report forthcoming! Hold your breath, it will be worth it!
(Except please don't actually hold it till Wednesday because that is a long time, and let's face it, I will probably not write that night. But I will try, because I love you, almost as much as beautiful melty man!)
I believe that this is all the good news for tonight, so I shall now try to sleep. I anticipate that this will be extra hard as I just felt an earthquake. No lie, friends, I truly experienced quite a noticeable earthquake just now as I was writing to you! I figure that this means that my experiences with Melty Man are meant to be, and are earth-shakingly fated. Yep. So goodnight, and fare thee well! Please tell me how you are doing, because I miss you! Kisses!