Friday, April 13, 2007

So I met with Potential Boss yesterday and he officially offered me the job. He gave me a package with details about responsibilities and expectations, as well as compensation, benefits, etc. We went through it together, and everything was looking as I expected, until . . . we reached the compensation page. I was shocked at how little they were offering!

I mean, in all of our discussions, PB has been very upfront about the fact that I will be working long hours- all event planners do- often up to 60 hours a week. They would offer days off in lieu of overtime pay, but when I figured out the math, it ends up that I will only be making a bit over eleven dollars per hour, based on a forty hour week at $450/week. If you add 10 to 20 hours a week to that total, I could be getting paid seven dollars an hour!!! And our minimum wage here is eight!
(Note: PB adds that I will be paid a commission on all events, and says that this will increase my salaray by around 5K per year. I guess that is something I need to keep in consideration . . .)

Now, this job is a great way to get my foot in the door of the event planning world, and normally I would suck it up and take the job, knowing that I will likely get a raise relatively soon. However, at my current job at the restaurant, I make $450/week, easy, working only 20 or 25 hours!! It is very hard for me to imagine working twice as many hours or more, just to earn the same amount of money that I am earning now. Additionally, as I am still going to school, it just doesn't make sense to stress myself out by taking four classes AND working over forty hours per week, all for what would be a sub-standard wage for me!

I did contact one of my event planning teachers and ask her what an average salary is for a beginner. She told me that most positions start at $24-30,000 per year- a bit over what PB is offering me. I was expecting PB to offer 30K- afterall, I have a university degree in addition to my Event Marketing certification!

So now I don't know what to do- I would like the job, and think it would be a great opportunity for me. However, it is really difficult for me to justify working so very hard, while attending school full-time, and making not very much money in return.

Ahhh!! Once again, I turn to you, Readers . . . give me advice and solve all of my problems!

1 comment:

On the Cusp said...

Wow. This is a dilemna.

Crazy that you'd get paid more as a waitress!

I guess I'd make my decision based on how much I liked being a waitress. If you enjoy waitressing,then it would seem crazy to leave it for double the work and the same pay. But, if you dread going to work everyday, maybe it would be worth the extra work for the experience and doing something that you enjoy?

Can't wait to hear what you do. . . Either way makes good sense.