So. Yes. Starting new. Basically I will just let you know that I have finally (almost) managed to rid myself of Feb entirely. Perhaps one day I will be able to explain it all to you, but right now it is too much. Feb is still in my life and in my normal weekly "friendship circle", and I try as much as possible to limit our interaction to just that. Friendly friendship circle-type stuff where we don't actually have to talk, but just sort of sit in the same room and try not to have eye contact or start brawls or street rumbles or anything.
Now, that all said, I am pretty much free! Yay! It's been a long stretch of what was essentially, honestly, truly an enslavement and I am so pleased to be emancipated. So that's enough of that!
New news? Well, I am still working at the not-for-profit organisation (ooo, notice my very Australian spelling, and how I am a true local with the vernacular and 's' instead of 'z' and such down pat!) where I am sort-of-kind-of in charge of promotions and publications. This has proven to be both a challenge and a wildly fun experience as I work in a team of all males. That's right y'all, yours truly Little Miss sits with boys all day every day, and learns about boys and laughs at boys and feels particularly proud of herself when said boys laugh at her jokes. And, as a special coup, I have managed to convince the boys to set aside a special chunk of everyday that is (and I tell you this with every bit of officialness I can muster [it's a word NOW, ok!]), Silly Time.
I love Silly Time. Silly Time is always in the afternoon, usually about half an hour or so, but as a rule is never policed. Silly Time is a group time that involves three people- myself, Adonis (lisping Greek coworker) and Caesar (football-star Italian coworker). It always occurs after Headache Time (a special Little Miss-only period that usually lasts from about 2.15-2.55pm) but before Preparing to Go Home Time.
Silly Time is very simple. Basically it boils down to this: three creative people who have been sharing an office all day long let go and release all the ridiculous impulses they've repressed for six hours in the name of Being Professional. Anything can happen during this period. We've been known to hold dance-offs, people. Dance-offs can get very competitive so I don't encourage them when we have a big project to finish.
This week Adonis was away seeing George Michael in Sydney (George Michael!) and so Caesar and I forged into Silly Time all alone. After some discussion and a bit of giggling, Caesar and I decided that it would be very clever and very silly of us to reverse Adonis' entire workstation, down to the photos on his bulletin board and the sugar packets sprawled haphazardly on his desk. We moved his phone, his paper clips, his filing cabinets, and his pens. (Interjection: upon re-reading this I discovered I made a horrible typo on the word "pens"! Look at it, folks: pens. now tell me you don't see the typo that was made and would, had I not fixed it, you would have been shocked and appalled to read that I moved that particular thing on a man. And a co-worker, no less!)
Anyhow, Caesar and I muffled our snorts of laughter as we perfectly angled Adonis' white-out, his stapler, and the crowning glory, his scales. (Yes, Adonis keeps a body-weight scale next to his desk at all times. This will likely take its own future post to explain.) After admiring our handiwork, Caesar and I declared an end to Silly Time and settled back into our respective work, feeling supremely self-satisfied and extraordinarily clever. (Look. Sometimes work is hard, and sometimes work is boring, and we just need to feel like something, ANYTHING has been accomplished in a short amount of time. Y'all stop judging what makes me feel good!)
So Adonis comes back into work on Monday, and being the Greek god that he is, he sunnily wanders into the office, late as always, says hello, and settles into his desk. Caesar and I exchange glances and smirk, trying to withhold our hysterics (see: work hard and boring, distractions welcome) and wait for the hilarity that is certain to ensue.
And what do you think happened, internet-ers? It took Adonis TWENTY MINUTES to recognise that everything, and I mean everything on his desk, down to the tiniest stray staple and the Canadian maple leaf shot glass (courtesy of moi!) was reversed. I mean, people, this was wild stuff! And then, when the madness of his situation finally set in, what do you think Adonis did? I'll tell you. He said, "Ah. You guys switched my phone to the other side. Now is that a productive use of Silly Time?"
And so, dear readers, (should any of you still exist), that was the day I realised that my silliness factor has gone down significantly. I mean, I know that part of this lackluster response is due to Adonis' sad inability to recognise humor in its purest form, but it also has to reflect a little bit on my diminishing talent for true silliness, doesn't it?
So I have come face to face with the stark realisation that I need to get back to my silly roots. I mean, come on y'all, I understand that there are only so many times I can say the word 'silly' in this post and I need to stop, so I will draw it to a close with this: please help me get back to my s-ness! It will be my goal over the next few months to find my silly and put it into play at work and at home until no one, I repeat NO ONE is able to resist it. And all will be drawn into my evilly silly plan for the WORLD! Yes! Yes!
Ahem. And with that, I am back. Back from personal heartache and tragedy to blogging once again and focusing on me. And I will be working hard to remember who I am and where my confidence has gone, and really embracing the Little Miss within... whether she be Little Miss Happy or Little Miss Angry or Little Miss Bossy or Little Miss Sunshine or Little Miss Independent or Little Miss Needs to Move Back to Canada to Realise Her Potential or yes, even Little Miss Silly.
It all comes down to this, y'all: I can't wait to find out which it is!
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